One Seed

One thought, one change in action or new reaction, can change your direction and life!

I support my clients to flourish by creating and living the life they want. This is achieved through building on their own innate talents by way of ongoing self- discovery.

I can help you to:

  • Grow and learn about yourself so that you can flow through life, exploring all of what the world has to offer

  • Deal with difficulty through understanding yourself in greater depth, and through supporting you to build skills to be forever self sufficient 

  • Understand your patterns of behaviour and where needed, make the changes required to have a more fulfilling life

  • Cultivate your innate strengths and identify how you can use them to design the life you want 

  • Make changes to advance your life, by providing the environment required to instigate the achievement of audacious goals with significant growth.

  • Enjoy the benefits of a more holistic lifestyle by looking at your life in totality 

  • Maintain or obtain physical mobility, to remain or become physically fit and strong, to live and explore your life of choice 

  • Live a positive life with mental health issues, by teaching you skills to master and overcome obstacles related to your mental health concerns

Tobi Harris

Hi I’m Tobi. I have been curious about humans since the time I could stand up and ‘why’ has always been my favourite word.  

Welcome to my website.  I hope you find that ‘One Seed’ resonates with you as I cannot tell you how many times that one ‘ah-ha’ moment has been a game changer for me. One Seed has been developed out of my ongoing desire to grow personally and to help others, through my curious nature to explore what creates happiness, and what causes struggles (not only personally but with others) and what wellbeing truly means. 

Through my own exploration in life and my professional studies, I have developed robust tools that I share to support individuals on their personal journey, in the fields of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Coaching, Mindfulness as well as Pilates and Yoga.

I have followed my passion for fitness to come to fanatically endorse Pilates and Yoga as a way to strengthen and maintain the body. This is because I see Pilates and Yoga as exercise for life. I have had the pleasure of watching some wonderful clients in their late years train in the studio, and it is impressive to see. Not only does Yoga and Pilates support clients needing either physical or mental rehabilitation, but through the mind and body connection and breathing principles, it can further support individuals to learn mindfulness (another skill) by remaining present in the moment. 



Bachelor of Coaching and Counselling - Australian College of Applied Psychology

Diploma in Professional Pilates Instruction - Pilates International Training Centre

Certificate IV Business Management - Frontline Management 

Certificate 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - Power Living

Certificate Level 1 Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy - Mindfulness Training Institute Australia and New Zealand

Certificate Level 2 Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Intensive Training

Certified Teacher - Dialectical Behavioural Therapy - Behavioural Tech - A Linehan Institute Training Company

Certificate Level 2 Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing ( EMDR)

Certificate in EMDR 2.0

Certificate Level 1 Chair Work Therapy